About The Legacy of the Angels
The Legacy of the Angels is a church that does not profess any traditional religion. Rather, it teaches the existence of God, including based on The G Proof, as a part of its larger purpose, which is to eliminate the suffering of humanity on planet Earth by means of:
(a) supporting and effectuating, by any and all practicable, nonviolent, lawful, loving and Light-filled means, the transformation of the systems, institutions, traditions and power structures of human civilization from the existing legacy of darkness into a Legacy of Light;
(b) maintaining and expanding that Legacy of Light forever; and
(c) anchoring Heaven and global celebration firmly onto this planet Earth for the great benefit of all the people currently living on this planet Earth as well as their posterity for time immemorial.
As transformed from the legacy of darkness into the Legacy of Light, the systems, institutions, traditions and power structures of human civilization shall be designed, created and maintained on the basis of Truth, Divine Law, Oneness of all in God, Enlightened Wisdom, unconditional Love, Compassion, loving Kindness, Joy, Happiness, Friendship, Beauty, unlimited Abundance, Liberty, voluntary Righteousness, Harmony, sacred Resonance, Trust, Peace, nonviolence, clarity, openness, receptivity, acceptance, non-rejection, healing, holistic awareness, fun, the principle of simultaneously honoring diversity and unity, the principles of reincarnation and karma, the great empowerment of the individual, the practice of divine mathematics including (without limitation) the sacred division of each relevant space into the highest possible number of orthogonal dimensions, the enlightened understanding of the creative process in its male, female and sexual aspects, and the prayer that once created, these systems, institutions, traditions and power structures are only a Blessing to human civilization.
The Legacy of the Angels is organized into several legal entities. Some of these entities are Nevada corporations sole incorporated pursuant to N.R.S. Chapter 84, two of which are pertinent to this website:
The Legacy of the Angels Corp. Sole for Integrity in Publication ("LACSIP"), which publishes this Website, is an assumed name registered in Clark County, Nevada pursuant to N.R.S. Chapter 602, for a Nevada corporation sole (CS9130-2003) that has an extremely long name.
Likewise, The Legacy of the Angels Intellectual Substances Corp. Sole ("LAISCS"), which owns intellectual property connected with this Website, is another assumed name registered in Clark County, Nevada pursuant to NRS Chapter 602, for another Nevada corporation sole (CS9114-2003) that has another extremely long name.
LACSIP and LAISCS are both nonprofit, tax exempt organizations pursuant to 26 U.S.C 501(c)(3) that are excepted pursuant to 26 U.S.C 508(c)(1)(A) from any requirement that the United States Treasury Department or the Internal Revenue Service determine their 501(c)(3) statuses.
LACSIP accepts donations, which are tax-deductible pursuant to 26 U.S.C 170(c)(2). However neither the U.S. Internal Revenue Service nor any state taxing agency has made any determination of its 501(c)(3) status. LAISCS does not accept donations of money.